It’s no secret to anyone with an internet connection that we are incredibly jaded when it comes to entertainment. There is not a single hour that goes by without tens of thousands of individuals vying for your attention. Hundreds of songs are released every day, and ‘grammed, TikTokked, or twat to the Twittersphere.

So, when you find something that pulls you away from that deafening cacophony of white noise and actually piques your interest, you know you’ve stumbled upon something special.

God Analog 1

God Analog is a bit of a mystery. Their sound rivals anything on rock radio. The writing is fresh. The lyrics and melodies are great. They have tons of streams.

Yet, they’re not signed to a label throwing down the cash for studio time or big time producers. They’re not a side project for another larger, established band. They’re not nepo-babies of established musicians or industry vets.God Analog 2

So, again, it begs the question: Who the actual hell is God Analog? We sat down with frontman Reverend Adam Days to try and find out.

Q: I have to ask: are you really a Reverend?

A: I really am.

Q: You don’t see a lot of Reverends wearing eyeliner and black nail polish, do you?

A: I don’t know: I can’t honestly say I’ve been looking!

Q: Do you identify as religious?

A: I do not. I was aggressively Atheist throughout my childhood and through my mid-twenties but now I’ve shifted into more of a passive-aggressive Atheist.

Q: What made you less aggressively Atheist?

A: Emotional maturity. I understand that beliefs can be very private and I don’t need to shout my beliefs at anyone who passes by. I’ll leave that sort of thing to Christian protesters.

Q: That was very passive-aggressive.

A: I did warn you.

Q: It makes me wonder though then, what does your band name mean, “God Analog?

A: Well, what does it mean to you?

Q: What does it mean to me? Is that supposed to be, I don’t know, deep, or provocative?

A: Not at all. It’s supposed to pull attention away from the fact that I don’t actually have a good answer prepared.

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Q: Hah. Okay. Was that always the name or did you consider any others?

A: I wanted to name the project “God Module” after an X-Files episode, but it was already taken. Lucky bastards.

Q: Well, don’t beat yourself up. I love the name.

A: Thanks!

Q: So, okay… who the hell are you people? I think that’s actually going to be the name of this article. Who the hell is God Analog? Let’s start with the lineup.

A: Aside from myself, obviously, there’s the wonderful Nicole Ridge on guitars. Bass, electric, and acoustic. That’s actually it for the core “band.”

Q: So are you a duo then?

A: We’re a duo, but I hire friends so we don’t get too lonely.

Q: Who all has helped you and Nicole ease the loneliness?

A: I’ve been really lucky with filling that particular void. Both Nik Hughes and Corey Britz [from the band Bush] laid down several tracks for me. Mark Gemini Thwaite is on a song called “Crucifixion.” Damien Nolan is on a few. Dan Konopka [from the band OK Go] drummed for me on one, and Machine the Producer has been kind enough to master for me. It’s been a lot of fun.

Q: That’s some pretty great star power! Now, I don’t want to give you a big head, but your production is top-notch. Very pro. That and your guests on the album, lead me to wonder – what’s your story? Where did you come from? Are you signed somewhere? How long have you been singing? Is this your first solo project? I know I’m rambling but seriously, what’s the tea?!

A: I was in one other band before starting God Analog. Nothing signed. Nothing “big time.” This is my first “solo” project I guess you could say. I only started singing… if you can call the noises from my face hole singing… in 2018.

Q: So you’re totally independent?

A: Yes.

Q: That’s damn impressive.

A: Thank you.

Q: You just released a cover: “Doll Parts” by Hole. I love that song. A lot of people love that song. I think your cover is amazing, it’s so dark, and that ending is insane. Now, you did something totally different with it. Why did you choose to do a pretty well-known song but change it so radically?

A: Because no one wants to hear Adam “Nobody” Days do a bad Courtney Love impression. I think that the only good cover is a cover someone makes entirely their own.

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Q: I actually totally agree with you. You have three singles out currently. What’s next? Is there an EP on the way? A full album? Tour?

A: Next step is one more single, and then the whole album will be released later this year.

Q: How many songs? Do you know yet?

A: Thirteen in total.

Q: And who writes the songs? Do you?

A: I write the songs except one that Nicole wrote all the music for. So it’s probably going to be the best song on the album and everyone will ask why she doesn’t write all of them.

Q: Okay, last question, and it’s a stupid one, but it’s one I like to ask: Can you tell me a personal fun fact, just off the top of your head?

A: I enjoy BDSM and baking.

Q: Sheesh, that is personal.

A: You asked…

Q: Adam- excuse me, I mean Reverend – it’s been a pleasure and we’d better hear more from you soon. A lot more.

God Analog is a goth rock band from California. Their current single, Doll Parts, is available for streaming now: QGsrj1X-Eww6suBAe14OCdAmKiieqCAjE4HM-5i_4

Be sure to follow God Analog on Instagram: igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=